tMapper WW1 Trenches

Step #3 — Tag Map for Georeferencing

Tag Each Corner

• Provide a lat, lon or trench map reference for 2 or more corners

⬆ NW ▛   ▜ NE
⬇ SW ▙   ▟ SE

(or) Tag Known Coordinates

• Click on the map and type in a known lat, lon or trench map reference

• Drag marker to adjust

• Minimum 3 points / corners

Your Results

(or) Tag Known Features

  1. Click on a known feature on map (eg church or town);
  2. Give it a name;
  3. Select it from our search list;
  4. Either pick 2 more, or draw a 500 metre line on the map;
  5. Draw a line to confirm North (if required).